Latest Additions to the Etsy Shop [Farmhouse Decor Wall Art]
I go through ebbs and flows with my photography. There are days I'm unloading the dishwasher and inspiration strikes, clear as day and off I go excited and energized, camera in hand. Other times I hate the camera, and the idea of shooting ever again annoys me (maybe it's just hormones). When the latter seems to have dragged on far too long I force myself to break out of it any way I can.
Sometimes I start with a general idea, I want to shoot a certain color, or type of flower. Other times I have no concrete ideas at all, I just know I want a flower, and I want the background to be white or black. I've been feeling all the white and pink rooms coming through my feed lately so my brain was stuck on farmhouse inspiration with simple pink flowers and white backgrounds. I'll usually spend an hour carefully walking through the floral section of the grocery store (Central Market is my fave). I'm pretty sure the employees think I'm crazy as I crouch down and examine the shapes, the inside, looking for anything I think might photograph in a unique or interesting way. I've been wanting more exotic plants lately but being that none of them are in season I was limited to the roses and ranunculus today.
I also love walking through Hobby Lobby or Michael's hoping something will peak my interest or inspire me. On this particular visit I fell in love with this tiny birdcage. I had no clue what I was going to do with it, I just knew I loved it. I thought about filling it with greenery or flowers. I even had it styled with linens, then paired with a bouquet of flowers, but I kept being drawn to it alone. Something so beautiful in its simplicity. the gold detailing, the fine lines. I just loved it. I played around in post production with some fun textures and ended up liking this antiqued one.
Even as I was shooting everything I felt flustered. I didn't like the set ups, I wasn't sure it's what I had envisioned. The self doubt seaped in and I thought to myself, none of this is good, I haven't captured anything I like. Honestly, I just wanted to quit and try again another day, when I felt more inspired. Or wait until the flowers I wanted originally are back in season. But I kept going, and I'm glad I did. I love what I came out with. I could see these in the all white rooms with pink accents, or in modern spaces with lots of color looking for more white space on their walls. No matter the style choice, you can now click here to buy them in my Etsy shop.
Modern Photography Wall Art by Jessica Marchetti Etsy shop Fortheloveofwallart
Farmhouse Decor Wall Art by Jessica Marchetti Etsy shop Fortheloveofwallart
Farmhouse Decor Wall Art by Jessica Marchetti Etsy shop Fortheloveofwallart
Farmhouse Decor Wall Art by Jessica Marchetti Etsy shop Fortheloveofwallart
Farmhouse Decor Wall Art by Jessica Marchetti Etsy shop Fortheloveofwallart
Farmhouse Decor Wall Art by Jessica Marchetti Etsy shop Fortheloveofwallart
Farmhouse Decor Wall Art by Jessica Marchetti Etsy shop Fortheloveofwallart
Farmhouse Decor Wall Art by Jessica Marchetti Etsy shop Fortheloveofwallart
Farmhouse Decor Wall Art by Jessica Marchetti Etsy shop Fortheloveofwallart
Farmhouse Decor Wall Art by Jessica Marchetti Etsy shop Fortheloveofwallart
Farmhouse Decor Wall Art by Jessica Marchetti Etsy shop Fortheloveofwallart
Farmhouse Decor Wall Art by Jessica Marchetti Etsy shop Fortheloveofwallart
Farmhouse Decor Wall Art by Jessica Marchetti Etsy shop Fortheloveofwallart
Farmhouse Decor Wall Art by Jessica Marchetti Etsy shop Fortheloveofwallart
Farmhouse Decor Wall Art by Jessica Marchetti Etsy shop Fortheloveofwallart