31 Days of Godly Attributes in Speech and Prayer for Believers
This 31 day prayer calendar was a labor of love for author, Linda Bardasian. Linda writes, “About 18 months ago the Lord put a task on my heart. I was in the midst of a bible study about our words and how we use them, many times in the wrong way, even if our intentions are good. As a 'convict' of this error, and also guilty of not speaking up when I felt I should, I began to pray and search God's word for how we SHOULD be speaking to each other, and how the Lord speaks to us also. Before I knew what I was doing I was reading scripture intently and writing out scripture verses that gave examples of this. I was also drawn, on several occasions specifically to Psalm 19:1-4:
“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.”
All of Creation pours forth praise day after day not using words to communicate and here I am with the gifts of faith, scripture, and speech and I am not as faithful! The rest of the psalmists words confirm and verify the value (more precious than gold) and benefits of God's law, commands, statutes, precepts, decrees, etc., as "sweeter than honey" and also as warning. But it was as I prayed and personalized verse 14 that I realized I needed help with "the words of my mouth,” and also my heart.
“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart. Be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my rock and my Redeemer.”
On the side of my prayer chair sat a perpetual calendar that a friend gave me about 10 years ago that I have used as a guide to continually pray for my children and grandchildren, and even myself. And the idea dawned to create the same type of tool to pray daily for my heart and my words, and even for others who expressed this same need. With as much excitement as crossing the finish line of a race, I finished this prayer calendar and am beyond excited to see how it blesses it’s participants! God has encouraged me and provided inspiration for me all the way. The exercise of writing out the scriptures is so beneficial!!
The calendar is chocked full of Scripture to read, prayers you can pray, and actions you can take to truly commit to taming your tongue (as much as any human can).
By God's grace and power, may your tongue become the pen of a skillful writer, (the Holy Spirit), in the process. (from Psalm 45:1)
All profits or royalties received from the sale of Linda’s calendars go directly to XL Ministries.
“He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant - not of the letter, but of the Spirit.”
Practice makes perfect!
The prayer calendar is meant to be used over and over again each month, feeding on the included scriptures and searching others to increase the fruit of your lips. You can use your own journal or the companion study guide (coming soon) to record them with your own prayers as well.